



What I am trying to do is have a "load more" button at the bottom of a ajax populated list. I have got all the code working with a docked button, but I would now like to have it at the bottom.

What is happening is when the listView card is show I see my list but the list won't scroll. It pulls up and down a little but just won't have it. I have tried adding different configurations and layouts to listView with no different.

What I have done is the following

var moreButton = new Ext.Button({
    text: 'Load more...',
    ui: 'round',
    handler: function() {//Do the loading - this works}

//In my list config I have a docked top bar for going "back" other than that pretty standard
var list = new Ext.List(Ext.apply(listConfig, {
    fullscreen: false

//This is my view for what I am trying to do
var listView = new Ext.Container({
    items:[list, moreButton]

listView is then added to an other container as it is populated from a search box, it is show with setCard when I get a valid response from the server.