We have been looking at the ExtJS samples quite a few times over the years and recently decided to use it because I was looking at the samples and saw a Tree Grid and felt like "Yes this is exactly what I need". So I download ExtJS read a bit on the getting started/FAQ/Tutorial from the website.
Then I decide to try to use the Tr...
We're evaluating Sencha Touch for mobile development. Has anyone used this yet (I realize that it's still in beta), and if so, what are its strengths / weaknesses? How does it compare to alternatives?
It certainly sounds compelling.
Hi i got a Problem with adding new Items to a Sencha Nested List Component.
currently my code looks like this:
var newItem = nestedList.add({text:rowData.name});
The Problem is the Items just wont show up no matter how often on on what i do call doLayout.
When in debug the nestedList Object, the items are corre...
I have a Ext.form.CheckboxGroup with multiple items of Ext.form.Checkbox.
Is it possible to cycle through each item of the Ext.form.CheckboxGroup?
I have tried the following to no avail:
for ( var i in Ext.getCmp('product_category_group').items.items) {
Any advice appreciated, thanks.
How can I make an AJAX request using Ext JS and have the response (a PDF file) load into a new browser tab (or window)?
I have followed the tutorial over at http://www.sencha.com/learn/Tutorial:Custom_Drag_and_Drop_Part_1
It is great, however now I need pointers on how to add functionally of being to be able reorder a single list. At the moment when I drop a item on the list it is appended at the end. However I wish to be able to drag a item between two ...
I have been following:
And using the following example:
Ext.onReady(function() {
var paragraphClicked = function(e) {
Ext.select('p').on('click', paragraphClicked);
I am using something very similar:
I have the following event:
Ext.onReady(function() {
Ext.select('.gallery-item img').on('click', function(e) {
Which works fine when the page loads.
However I dynamically create additional ...
In ExtJs I would like to achieve the equivalent of:
<input type="radio"><label><input type="text"></label>
Where the input box is associated to the radio button.
new Ext.form.RadioGroup({
items: [
new Ext.form.Radio({
I have a Ext.form.DateField:
new Ext.form.DateField({
id: 'date_from',
format: 'd/m/Y',
editable: false,
listeners: {
change: function (t,n,o) {
However unfortunately the change event does not seem to be execute...
I am currently having trouble of reloading a json store with new parameters. Here is my store:
newsletters = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
url: '/newsletters/',
root: 'results',
fields: [
baseParams: { command: 'json', to: dateTo, fro...
As I understand, Sencha Touch is just a javascript library that lets you create websites that respond to multitouch and other features you find in native iPhone apps. So... Your end result is accessed on Safari on the iPhone, and not as a native iPhone app. Is there a way to convert this to a native app?
I want to know if we can create reports using EXTJS.
Thnx a lot
I examined how ExtJs renders form's fields in dom. To change fieldLabel after field is rendered I find proper dom element and change its innerHTML;
* Modifies field's label afrer field is rendered.
* @param {object} field
* Some object that directly or indirecty extends Ext.form.Field
* @param {String} label
* New value for ...
It seems that I haven't understood correctly how PhoneGap works.
I thought:
Take an index.html, include the PhoneGap.js in as type of JavaScript and open the result on iPad/iPhone.
But then, none of the functions like accelerometer, beep(), vibrate() is working. Is it necessary to build an app for that for working correctly?
I have a ...
I have the following javascript:
var jQT = new $.jQTouch({
touchSelector: '#swipeme',
fixedViewport: false,
fullScreen: false
$('#swipeme').bind('swipe', function(evt, data) {
So the other day I posted about a problem I had trying to use the sessionProvider found in the examples of ExtJS but it was in a fairly complex page so I figured I woud trim things down and use the basic array-grid sample that uses the default CookieProvider to demonstrate the state saving in a cookie and modify it to use the SessionProv...
I am using ExtJS with a rails backend and would like to use an MVC pattern. Does anyone have any insite on this?
I want to create such a grid:
Actually I already did, but I want to highlight the last inserted row of my grid (in extjs this is the function highlight(), which does a yellowfade on the element).
I didn't actually succeed in doing this... my problem is that I can't get ...
Hi all,
I'm trying to add a custom icon to a TabPanel but when I do that it just shows a dark box with rounded corners.
My css looks like this: http://pastebin.org/447682
The code in the url is base64 for some random rss icon I found on the web.
I also tried to add a relative url to an image but without any success.
If I change my co...