iterators are similar in this and make an interesting study.
const iterators are often the base for 'non const' iterators, and you will often find const_cast<>()
or C style casts used to discard const from the base class with accessors in the child.
Comment was
I have a zip iterator where the const one inherits from the non-const
This would generally be the wrong inheritence structure (if your saying what I think you are), the reason being that children should not be less restrictive than parents.
say you had some algorithm taking your zip iterator, would it be appropriate to pass a const iterator to a non const ?
if you had a const container, could only ask it for a const iterator, but then the const iterator is derived from an iterator so you just use the features on the parent to have non const access.
Here is a quick outline of suggested inheritence following the traditional stl model
class ConstIterator:
public std::_Bidit< myType, int, const myType *, const mType & >
reference operator*() const { return m_p; }
class Iterator : public ConstIterator
typedef ConstIterator _Mybase;
// overide the types provided by ConstIterator
typedef myType * pointer;
typedef myType & reference;
reference operator*() const
return ((reference)**(_Mybase *)this);
typedef std::reverse_iterator<ConstIterator> ConstReverseIterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<Iterator> ReverseIterator;