



Although not really a programming question I believe many developers would have come across this and therefore give the best answer.

Currently I am developing an App for iPhone for the organisation I work for. Its close to release and there is heaps of interest when I present it but the occasional question comes up am I going to port it to Android. My answer is I would like to but according to web stats more than 90% of phones hitting our website are iPhones and the other 10% is declining (probably people migrating away from Blackberry, last count was 98% was iOS)

Now if you read the media many people would like you to believe that its a split market between Android and iPhone but this might be just in the U.S where the single carrier for the iPhone has limited its consumer uptake because all the information available to us (at least in my organisation) states otherwise.

I was curious to hear from other people who have looked into these stats both inside and outside the U.S because when I tell the person asking that there is no demand they dismiss it and say its growing, once again contradicting the stats available for our organisation.

I am really interested in Android dev so don't really want to hear that I should just make it to give people an alternative, it's hard to justify to management that I should spend their money to deliver content to 5% of our market. Currently it makes more sense to make a cut down web App rather than an Android App.

Be interested to hear your thoughts. Cheers

+2  A: 

Depending on the type of application you are developing, it might be worthwhile to utilize a mobile framework that allows you to easily develop for both devices (plus many others). This is not the solution for all applications, such as those where speed is critical or games, but for many apps it might help. Have you looked at Appcelerator or PhoneGap? Just be careful to do plenty of research and make sure they support all of your requirements before jumping in.

It's difficult to answer your main question because the statistics related to mobile devices varies immensely, especially related to the type of application you are developing. Certain types of users prefer one type of phone and those users typically will use only certain features. For example, BlackBerry users are less likely to download games than iOS users.

I have a feeling they might limit me too much, we run a custom auth here which was a pain to get around on the iPhone, Its only web based but it is not mobile friendly.
+2  A: 

For web apps

The approach suggested above is a nice approach because phonegap, appaccelerator or rhomobile do provide a sort of a virtual environment for applications developed in HTML, ruby. However, that might not be sufficient in a number of cases.

One of the approach i have seen developers adopt a lot for native apps

If you have developed your application using C code for the application state machine and lower levels then that code can be ported straight away to Android and be plugged into Android app using JNI technology.

The UI will have to be re-created.

I'm using JNI technology.
+1  A: 

What is the value to your organization of that 5% of customers being able to have a native Android app, versus the company's development time/resource cost?

Now that you've done all the app architecture and design work (including artwork, documentation, etc.) for the iPhone app, will a porting or rewrite for Java/JNI/Android take less development time by some multiple?

Although half will be easy as its database structures, network resources and so on, I feel there will be a lot of work redoing the whole UI, probably 1/2 the time spent on the iPhone App has been spend on UI development (not design) and I would think most of that would have to be done again
+3  A: 

Honestly, I would argue it simply depends on your market. For instance, in my location Android users are increasing steadily. It still took us a long time to commit resources for development. Plain and simple, until recently, there wasn't enough return value to develop an Android app. If your Android market is only a small percentage of your market, then the resources would probably better be spent within your main competencies (i.e. for my company, developing more iPhone apps). It is easier to make a presence for a new app or upgrade in a market you are already established in. After creating the Android app, you would need to spend more resources on creating brand awareness, which if you already have a successful iPhone app, wouldn't be necessary if you simply created more iPhone apps. Also, let's be honest, the Android marketplace is a bit of a mess and hard to market on. Don't get me wrong, I have a healthy respect for Android and its capabilities, but unless you can see a return on the app, there is no point in developing it.

I agree the Android app market is a bit of a mess and with new App stores being released it looks like its going to get worse before it gets better. This is what I'm sort of scared of, spending time and money when win phone 7, bada, palm, blackberry might win out in the end. Our customers are on iPhone almost exclusively atm and I think making a web or cross compilable code base until there is a clear winner might be money better spent
Just wondering since you actually talked about the Android market share you dealt with, Does the country you live in have iPhone on the sole carrier? Also what approx % of your customers use Android to iPhone?
+1  A: 

I think the most important factor is that if your company have the resources to maintain two version of the app. Would it be more beneficial to maintain native iOS app and a mobile version of the site? Since as you mentioned the usage of non-iOS devices of you website, as a metric lead a conclusion of such already.

As a matter of fact, if you have put most of the logic to the server back-end, writing an android app would not take anywhere longer than writing an iOS app, as long as you've programming experience in Java.

Also contrary to common beliefs, since the market share of Android phones are not as good in your place (would you mind telling us where your company is resided in?, it would in natural have less localized app in your geographical location. So creating an app specifically for them would gain more acceptance. That is fact, is a good thing. (see: Long Tail theory)

Australia - Not really, there was a lot of effort in management and proposals to get the iPhone App off the ground, the reason it did was the vast majority of our customers are on iPhone. Although it will be easier for Android as the services already exist, no one in the organisation has experience with Android dev (lots of Java dev though) and we wouldn't hire someone specifically to do it especially with 5% market share
Also, first adopters are a resoundingly poor market. They are overly critical and fickle. I wish I had hung on to my Modern Marketing tactics book now... I always thought the class was useless until I started on iPhones.
From my experience that doesn't take long to learn Android dev - shorter comparing to iOS SDK + Obj-C IMHO. Since there are plenty of Java programmers it would not take you any longer. What is really important is that your market share is highly tilted towards iPhones, so it would be wise to support iPhones first and get the app mature and straight before developing another platform.