Although not really a programming question I believe many developers would have come across this and therefore give the best answer.
Currently I am developing an App for iPhone for the organisation I work for. Its close to release and there is heaps of interest when I present it but the occasional question comes up am I going to port it to Android. My answer is I would like to but according to web stats more than 90% of phones hitting our website are iPhones and the other 10% is declining (probably people migrating away from Blackberry, last count was 98% was iOS)
Now if you read the media many people would like you to believe that its a split market between Android and iPhone but this might be just in the U.S where the single carrier for the iPhone has limited its consumer uptake because all the information available to us (at least in my organisation) states otherwise.
I was curious to hear from other people who have looked into these stats both inside and outside the U.S because when I tell the person asking that there is no demand they dismiss it and say its growing, once again contradicting the stats available for our organisation.
I am really interested in Android dev so don't really want to hear that I should just make it to give people an alternative, it's hard to justify to management that I should spend their money to deliver content to 5% of our market. Currently it makes more sense to make a cut down web App rather than an Android App.
Be interested to hear your thoughts. Cheers