



I have a web form and I use jQuery/AJAX/JASON to send objects to a web service using

type: "POST",
url: "SynchroniseCustomers.asmx/synchroniseCustomers",
data: JSON.stringify(customerObj),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
error: function (xhr, status) {},
success: function (msg) {}


From the web service I want to check if the insert into the database was successfull, return a variable with an ID and pass this ID to a function. In the object I have the ID so I could have

success: function (msg) {deleteCustomer(ID);}

But this only checks if the data was passed to my method in the web service? I have followed this example and in the class Person I get a message back from the database server telling me if the insert was successfull or not so like

if (successfull)
    return ID;

is there a way to get this ID back to the web form and use this in a variable?

Thanks in advance.


You want to return a result object with an isSuccess and id property. You can then do the following:

success: function (result) {
  if (!result.isSuccess) {
    // display friendly error message indicating that the db insert failed
  } else {
    var id =;
    // do client side processing with primary key returned from db insert

How you return the result object depends on your web services framework (e.g., WCF, MVC, WebMethod, etc.). The framework will serialize your .NET object to a JSON encoded result (e.g., { isSuccess: true, id: '1234'}).

As an example, in ASP.NET MVC you simply return a JsonResult using Json.(MySerializableResult). If you post what you are using for web services, I'm sure you'll get a specific answer to that framework.

Hi Rob, thanks for the input, will try it out. I use the kind of web service that is in the link I posted (WebMethod).