I continued working on this problem last night and to my surprise I was closer to the solution that I had thought. For anyone who may struggle with this in the future here is how I implemented MVC2 Routing to a Generic Handler.
First I created a class that inherited IRouteHandler
public class ImageHandlerRouteHandler : IRouteHandler
public IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
var handler = new ImageHandler();
return handler;
I then implemented the generic handler creating an MVC friendly ProcessRequest.
public void ProcessRequest(RequestContext requestContext)
var response = requestContext.HttpContext.Response;
var request = requestContext.HttpContext.Request;
int width = 100;
if(requestContext.RouteData.Values["width"] != null)
width = int.Parse(requestContext.RouteData.Values["width"].ToString());
response.ContentType = "image/png";
Then added a route to the global.asax
new Route(
new ImageShadowRouteHandler()
then you can call your handler using
<img src="/images/100/140/imagehandler.png" />
I used the generic handler to generate dynamic watermarks when required. Hopefully this helps others out.
If you have any questions let me know and I will try and help you where possible.