
jQuery ajax call failing with undefined error

My jQuery ajax call is failing with an undefined error. My js code looks like this: $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "Data/RealTime.ashx", data: "{}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", timeout: 15000, dataFilter: function(data, type) { alert("RAW DATA: " + data + ", TYPE: "+ type); ...

TCP or Generic Handler/ Web service

I have a program, lets call it program ABC. This program talks to a dll and return a message. For my silverlight app, I will need to talk to this program, and receive the message. I will have different amount of silverlight clients talking to the program at the same time. It ranges from usually 10 to 100. I am currently using TCP to co...

How do I access jQuery AutoComplete extraParams with ASP.NET

I'm using the following jQuery script to send a 'Make' parameter to filter my 'Models': $(document).ready(function () { $(".autocomplete_make").autocomplete("/AutoComplete/Make.ashx"); }); $(document).ready (function () { $(".autocomplete_model").autocomplete("/AutoComplete/Model.ashx" ...

Update Image based on Response Stream

Is is possible to update an image on an HTML page using the response stream of an ASP.NET Generic Handler? For example, if I have the following code on a handler: //<AccountGuid> public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "image/png"; context.Response.W...

Asp.Net Routing to a generic handler

I Have a generic handler that's serving member logo images: Now, I want to use it by caling a url like: So I would create a route for that (pattern: "logo/{username}.jpg"). But, my problem is - how do I retrieve {username} when inside ProcessRequest() of my generic...

C# ASP.NET MVC2 Routing Generic Handler

Hi, Maybe I am searching the wrong thing or trying to implement this the wrong way. I am dynamically generating an image using a Generic Handler. I can currently access my handler using: ImageHandler.ashx?width=x&height=y I would much rather access my handler using something like images/width/height/imagehandler Is this possible t...