The two methods below each serve the same purpose: scan the content of the post and determine if at least one img tag has an alt attribute which contains the "keyword" which is being tested for.
I'm new to xPath and would prefer to use it depending on how expensive that approach is compared to the regex version...
Method #1 uses preg_match
function image_alt_text_has_keyword($post)
$theKeyword = trim(wpe_getKeyword($post));
$theContent = $post->post_content;
$myArrayVar = array();
foreach ($myArrayVar[1] as $theValue)
if (keyword_in_content($theKeyword,$theValue)) return true;
return false;
function keyword_in_content($theKeyword, $theContent)
return preg_match('/\b' . $theKeyword . '\b/i', $theContent);
Method #2 uses xPath
function keyword_in_img_alt()
global $post;
$keyword = trim(strtolower(wpe_getKeyword($post)));
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$xPath = new DOMXPath($dom);
return $xPath->evaluate('count(//a[.//img[contains(@alt, "'.$keyword.'")]])');