



Hello, the title could be somewhat misleading so let me explain what I'm trying to achieve.

I'm writing a programming language that has a plethora of operators which can work on multiple types with different behaviour. The implementation is evolving and operators are changing/adapting to what I find more useful while trying it.

The problem is how to keep consistency between the language documentation, the implementation and the inline help of the language (which has a sort of REPL).

Since most of the behaviour is defined inside big pattern matched blocks I was wondering if it's possible somehow (maybe with Camlp4) to annotate the code so that a preprocess run could extract a txt file (or anything similar csv, html, whatever) that lists all the operators implemented.

I mean, if I have something like

match instruction with
  Plus -> ...
  | Minus -> ...

I would like to have something like

match instruction with
  (* Plus, +, int -> int -> int, computes the sum *)
  Plus -> ...
  (* Minus, -, int -> int -> int, computes the difference *)
  | Minus -> ...

in which the informations in comments (I used comments syntax just to use something, I really haven't never used OCaml preprocessor so I don't know how it works yet) are extracted and saved somewhere when I compile my project.

Maybe what's asking is not possible and I have to process the source separately with something different than ocaml preprocessor/compiler by itself.

Any clues?

EDIT: I'll give a concrete example to show what I would like to do...

The plus instruction for example compiles the program written in my language in this way:

| Plus -> (fun s ->
        let o2 = vm_pop s and o1 = vm_pop s in
          (match o1, o2 with
              Float f1, Float f2 -> vm_push s (Float (f1 +. f2))
            | Float f, Int i -> vm_push s (Float (f +. float i))
            | Int i, Float f -> vm_push s (Float (float i +. f))
            | Int i1, Int i2 -> vm_push s (Int (i1 + i2))
            | Complex c1, Complex c2 -> vm_push s (Complex (Complex.add c1 c2))
            | String str, v -> vm_push s (String (Printf.sprintf "%s%s" str (string_value_short v)))
            | List l, a -> l := a :: !l; vm_push s (Types.I.List l)
            | (Set c as set), a -> c := Types.ValueSet.add a !c; vm_push s set;
            | w, w2 -> throw_exc2 "+" w w2
          ); s

I would like to be able to annotate every clause of this pattern match with something like

(* Plus, +, float -> float -> float, sum, computes the sum between two floats *)
(* Plus, +, string -> any -> string, append, appends the string representation of the value *)
(* etc *)

in a way that I'm able to preprocess my source code and build a sort of list of all implemented operations with their types and description, just taken from the annotation. I don't need to modify anything in my code. It's just to keep consistency in just a place without having to keep track all the available instructions in a separate way (since I need to index them for the documentation and for the inline help too).

I would like to do it without using any external processing tool, that's why I asked if there's something that is able to process comments or something similar in the compile phase.

Thanks in advance

+3  A: 

Did you take a look at ocamldoc ?

Typically it's more the .mli file that receives the annotations, though. In your case, would you mind writing the documentation at the definition of type instruction ? Like:

(** Comment for type weather  *)
type weather =
| Rain of int (** The comment for construtor Rain *)
| Sun (** The comment for constructor Sun *)
Pascal Cuoq
The problem is that the operators are polimorphic so every possible instruction will have 5-10-15 different cases that should be documented separately. I could do it just by annotating the source code in .ml itself :(