



I have built a webcrawler in C++. I am using an API called URLdownloadToFile().

  1. Is there any other API that can be used?
  2. The API URLdownloadToFile() is working well for some URLs and it is not working well for some other URLs? Please suggest some ways I can overcome this problem?

Thanks, Dnyaneshwari C.

+2  A: 

You might want to look into libcurl which should allow you to pull content using a variety of protocols. This should also support proxies etc which might be what is giving you problems with specific urls. See also;

Henrik Hartz

You might want to look at WinINet which is a simple C API for high-level interface with the HTTP network stack. Another option is WinHttp which is somewhat more compilcated and requires you do deal with COM.


Unless there is a particular reason for sticking with c++ you could well be better off switching to Python and using BeautifulSoup. I've used curl, and it is nice, but all my web stuff is done in Python now

David Sykes