So I am trying to create an effect similar to Sin City or other movies where they remove all colors except one from an image.
I have an RGB image which I want to convert to grayscale but I want to keep one color.
This is my picture:
I want to keep the red color. The rest should be grayscale.
This is what my code outputs so far (you can see that the areas are correct, I don't know why they are white instead of red though):
Here is my code so far:
filename = 'roses.jpg';
[cdata,map] = imread( filename );
% convert to RGB if it is indexed image
if ~isempty( map )
cdata = idx2rgb( cdata, map );
imWidth = 685;
imHeight = 428;
% RGB ranges of a color we want to keep
redRange = [140 255];
greenRange = [0 40];
blueRange = [0 40];
% RGB values we don't want to convert to grayscale
redToKeep = zeros(imHeight, imWidth);
greenToKeep = zeros(imHeight, imWidth);
blueToKeep = zeros(imHeight, imWidth);
for x=1:imWidth
for y=1:imHeight
red = cdata( y, x, 1 );
green = cdata( y, x, 2 );
blue = cdata( y, x, 3 );
if (red >= redRange(1) && red <= redRange(2) && green >= greenRange(1) && green <= greenRange(2) && blue >= blueRange(1) && blue <= blueRange(2))
redToKeep( y, x ) = red;
greenToKeep( y, x ) = green;
blueToKeep( y, x ) = blue;
redToKeep( y, x ) = 999;
greenToKeep( y, x ) = 999;
blueToKeep( y, x ) = 999;
im = rgb2gray(cdata);
[X, map] = gray2ind(im);
im = ind2rgb(X, map);
for x=1:imWidth
for y=1:imHeight
if (redToKeep( y, x ) < 999)
im( y, x, 1 ) = 240;
if (greenToKeep( y, x ) < 999)
im( y, x, 2 ) = greenToKeep( y, x );
if (blueToKeep( y, x ) < 999)
im( y, x, 3 ) = blueToKeep( y, x );