



The app has an intent filter to allow it to appear in the share menu in other applications via ACTION_SEND intents. The app itself also has a share menu using ACTION_SEND and createChooser(), and my app appears in the list. Since they are already in my app it seems strange to have them be able to share back to itself.

Is there a way for my app not to appear in the list if it's being called from my app?

+1  A: 

Is there a way for my app not to appear in the list if it's being called from my app?

Not via createChooser(). You can create your own chooser-like dialog via PackageManager and queryIntentActivities() and filter yourself out that way, though.

This there something built in that I can feed my filtered List<ResolveInfo> back into, to create the Share Dialog, or do I have to create my own dialog using the list? If it's the latter how do you get the App's icons to appear in a dialog? Thanks.