



I'm building a Windows service and following this MSDN article, but I'm stuck on step 3 under "Create an installer". I can't find the "Add Installer" link it's referring to. I've clicked everywhere, including following the instructions it gives exactly, but I can't seem to find it. A few people on Google have had the same problem, but never found a solution (other than adding the ServiceInstaller object and configuring it manually).

Has anybody else had this problem and found a reason? I'm using VS2008 and targeting .Net 2.0 if it matters.


The "Gray area" they're talking about is the Commands panel from Properties of the Properties panel (not a typo). It is not very useful so you have probably shut it off, I did.

You can either re-enable it by right-clicking the Properties panel and selecting "Commands", or add an Installer project directly by right-clicking the Service design view (the big tan window with "To add components to your class...") and selecting "Add Installer".

Dour High Arch
Just for the record, that's total crap that it's hidden by default (or that the MSDN documentation isn't more clear). You listening, MSFT?