If you use Maven2 as a build system for a project containing many artefacts, you have the version number of the resulting build scattered in all pom.xml. In many of them even twice - in the version tag of the artefact itself and in the version tag of the parent. Thus, you have to change and check in new versions of all pom.xml on every version switch. This is a little annoying, especially if you have to code for several bug fixing and a development version in parallel. Is there a way around that?
CLARIFICATION: My question is about the many versions of every single pom.xml that you get over time in your source control system that differ only by the version number of the pom and / or the version number of the parent pom. Ideally, you should only need to change the pom whenever you add a dependency or something.
For example you have a project with the artifacts foo-pom (the parent pom to all), foobar-jar, foobaz-jar and foo-war. In the first release the version is 1.0 - which appears in every pom.xml. In the second release the version is 1.1 - which again appears in every pom.xml. So you have to change every pom.xml - this is annoying if you release as often as you should.
UPDATE: If you think this is important: not having to specify the parent version is already being considered. Please go to the maven JIRA issue and vote for it to get it more noticed and more likely to be added as an enhancement in an upcoming release. You need to create/have a JIRA login for that.
There is another Stackoverflow Question that is basically about the same problem.