



I'm forced to upgrade to Python 2.6 and am having issues using Numerical Python (Numpy) with Python 2.6 in windows. I'm getting the following error...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
    from numpy.core.numeric import array,dot,all
  File "C:\svn\svn_urbansim\UrbanSimDev\Builds\working\urbansim\Tools\Python26\lib\site-packages\numpy\", line 39, in <module>
    import core
  File "C:\svn\svn_urbansim\UrbanSimDev\Builds\working\urbansim\Tools\Python26\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\", line 5, in <module>
    import multiarray
ImportError: Module use of python25.dll conflicts with this version of Python.

It appears that the existing module is trying to use the python25 dll file. Is there any way I can tell it to use the python26 dll instead without modifying the source code?

Thanks in advance for all your help!

+8  A: 

how did you install it? numpy doesn't currently have a python 2.6 binary.

if you have LAPACK/ATLAS/BLAS etc and a development environment you should be able to compile numpy from sources. otherwise i think you're stuck with using python 2.5 on windows if you need numpy.

the next version of numpy should have a 2.6 binary, and it's likely to be out within the next month or so.

[edit] it appears that a pygame developer created a numpy 1.2.1 binary for python 2.6 on windows, available here.

+3  A: 

NumPy 1.3.0 is available for Python 2.6 now.
