



 #include "iostream"
 #include "vector"

 class ABC {

      bool m_b;
      ABC() : m_b(false) {}

      ABC& setBool(bool b) {
          m_b = b;
          return *this;

      bool getBool() const {
          return m_b;

 void foo(const std::vector<ABC> &vec) {


 int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {

     std::vector<ABC> vecI;
     ABC i;

When I compile it I get this error: passing const ABC as this argument of ABC& ABC::setBool(bool) discards qualifiers

Any ideas why this would happen since the object itelf is not a constant.

+6  A: 

foo takes vec by reference-to-const, and you cannot change a const. So either remove the line that calls setBool, or if you really want to set the bool, change the argument type to std::vector&.

Or to be more strict about the implementation... You see, these two functions exist:

T& vector<T>::operator[](int);  
T const& vector<T>::operator[](int) const;

When you call "vec[i]" on a const object, only the second one is valid, so it gets selected. But this overload obviously returns T const&, and that's the thing you can't change.

To add some detail here, the vector has two operator[], a non-const one returning a reference and a const one returning a const reference. Because your vector is passed by const reference, the compiler picks the const operator[], so setBool is invoked on a const ABC (reference).
you were about 18.5 secs late with this comment lol -.-
did he make it purposely? now we all see you had to edit it mwahaha
Johannes Schaub - litb
+1 to unwesen. You should have made that an answer instead of a comment, it's less confusing than Iraimbilanja's answer. I'd have upmodded you. :-)

foo takes a const vector &, meaning that the contents of the vector cannot be modified. This, in turn, means that you are not allowed to call a non-const member function on any of the elements of vec, and setBoo.


The object probably is const. Although the vector contains ABCs and not const ABCs, the vector itself is const, so when you call operator[] on it, the const version of the operator is used. The const version of operator[] on a vector returns a vector::const_reference. So, from what I can tell you are trying to call a non-const method on a const ABC&.


As another workaround, you could store pointers to ABC objects in the vector and it will work fine - albeit at the extra cost of managing the cleanup. In this case you are not modifying the contents of the vector since the vector is only holding pointers.

Stephen Doyle