Is there a canonical or recommended pattern for implementing arithmetic operator overloading in C++ number-like classes?
From the C++ FAQ, we have an exception-safe assignment operator that avoids most problems:
class NumberImpl;
class Number {
NumberImpl *Impl;
Number& Number::operator=(const Number &rhs)
NumberImpl* tmp = new NumberImpl(*rhs.Impl);
delete Impl;
Impl = tmp;
return *this;
But for other operators (+, +=, etc..) very little advice is given other than to make them behave like the operators on built-in types.
Is there a standard way of defining these? This is what I've come up with - are there pitfalls I'm not seeing?
// Member operator
Number& Number::operator+= (const Number &rhs)
Impl->Value += rhs.Impl->Value; // Obviously this is more complicated
return *this;
// Non-member non-friend addition operator
Number operator+(Number lhs, const Number &rhs)
return lhs += rhs;