




I want to save an audio file to the Documents folder of my application while one of the classes in my app is streaming it. How can I do this?

Is it possible to save the streamed audio directly to an mp3? (if the audio file being streamed is an mp3 or I have to use caf?)


Edit: What if I am running the save in another thread and the user exits the application? I know an app cannot run in the background in an iPhone, but is there any way I can stop the download and remove the partially saved file when the user exits the app? Can I get an exit signal inside a class or in a delegate for NSURLConnection?

+1  A: 

If you are using the NSURLConnection or CFNetwork to download the file you can save it in the connectionDidFinishLoading delegate.

Take a look at Matt Gallaghers Streaming and playing an MP3 stream

I have seen Matt's example. Thats where I got the streaming working :) But the tut shows how to stream audio. And when streaming, the data might not come sequentially. I want to get all the data into a local file (I'm not sure if we can directly put the data into an mp3 file!)

If you want to clean up your partially saved file on exit,
you could do worse than doing it from

- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application

in your app controller.

Rhythmic Fistman