+5  A: 

Well you can't just say no one. We're using it. :)

Bryan Denny
The great thing about OpenID is that I already had a couple of them without even knowing it, just because I had LiveJournal and GMail accounts.
Paul Tomblin
So it's good that SO is promoting it.
Dmitri Nesteruk
SO is the first site I have used OpenID with, and the experience has actually been excellent. I wish more sites supported it.
William Brendel

My OpenId account is used exclusively for SO...

How does this answer the question?
Geoffrey Chetwood

I just started using it.

Matt Darby

I use it on not more than 2-3 sites, but as a user I'd rather not use it if I have a choice.

This doesn't answer the question at all, please read the question.
Geoffrey Chetwood
It refutes the premise that "nobody uses it" - he obviously uses it on 2-3 sites.
Paul Tomblin
@Paul: That was not the question at all though. It is just falling into the troll attempt.
Geoffrey Chetwood
+1  A: 

I also only use OpenID for this site currently, but really like the idea. As a programmer, I am not surprised when v1.0 of anything has a few ..erm "issues" I've been there myself, as I guess many others here have too.

Shane MacLaughlin