An explicit instantiation of a static template member function keeps failing to compile with the message error C2785: 'at_Intermediate CUtil::convert_variant(const VARIANT &)' and '<Unknown>' have different return types
When I make a corresponding class with non-static member functions, the compiler likes me.
// utility class - static methods
struct CUtil {
template< typename at_Intermediate > static at_Intermediate convert_variant( const VARIANT &v ) ;
template<> static VARIANT convert_variant<VARIANT >( const VARIANT &v ) { return v; } //
template<> static double convert_variant<double >( const VARIANT &v ) { return v.dblVal; }
template<> static long convert_variant<long >( const VARIANT &v ) { return v.lVal ; }
template<> static BSTR convert_variant<BSTR >( const VARIANT &v ) { return v.bstrVal; }
This is a composed question:
Why does the compiler complain about a function "Unknown" while it's clearly known?
What triggers this message - it disappears when the function is made global or non-static.
after some useful hints from Josh: is it not allowed to explicitly instantiate template functions within the class declaration?