



Say you were designing a C++ windowing library. It may or may not provide a callback API, but needs to provide a polling API to facilitate a functional style of programming.

What would the polling API look like?

Some options

SDL style

struct Event {
    enum { MousePress, KeyPress } type;
    union {
        struct { Point pos; MouseButton b; } mousePress;
        struct { Modifiers mods; char key; } keyPress;
void userCode() {
    for(;;) {
        Event e; if(pollEvent(&e)) {
            switch(e.type) {
                case MousePress: cout<<event.mousePress.pos.x; break; // not typesafe
                case KeyPress: cout<<event.keyPress.key; break;

State style

struct Input {
    enum { Mouse, Keyboard, Nothing } whatChanged;
    MouseButtonsBitfield pressedButtons;
    bool keysPressed[keyCount];
void userCode() {
    for(;;) {
        Input in = pollInput();
        switch(in.whatChanged) {
            // typesafe yay
            case Mouse: cout << "is LMB pressed? " << bool(in.pressedButtons&LeftButton); break;
            case Keyboard: cout << "is A pressed? " << in.keysPressed['A']; break;

Fun functional pseudo-C++ style

struct Event {
    // transforms listener by notifying it of event,
    // returns transormed listener. nondestructive.
    template<class Listener> // sadly invalid, templates can't be virtual.
                                              // a solution is to make Listener the base
                                              // of a hierarchy and make Listener::handle virtual
                                              // but then we're forced to use imperative style
    virtual Listener transform(Listener const&) =0;
struct MousePress : Event { // yay we're extensible via inheritance
    template<class Listener>
    virtual Listener transform(Listener const& listener) {
        return listener.handle(*this); // calls the MousePress overload
    Point pos; MouseButton b;
struct KeyPress : Event {
    template<class Listener>
    virtual Listener transform(Listener const& listener) {
        return listener.handle(*this); // calls the KeyPress overload
    Modifiers mods; char key;
struct NoEvent : Event {
    template<class Listener>
    virtual Listener transform(Listener const& listener) {
        return listener.handle(*this);
struct UserWidget {
    UserWidget handle(NoEvent) {
        return UserWidget();
    UserWidget handle(MousePress p) {
        return (UserWidget) { string("pressed at")+lex_cast<string>(p.pos)) };
    UserWidget handle(KeyPress k) {
        return (UserWidget) { string("pressed key=")+lex_cast<string>(k.key)) };
    string pendingOutput;
void userTick(UserWidget const& w) {
void userCode() {

Answers for other languages than C++ are OK, if they provide interesting insight.

No comments on encapsulation please - yes public fields should really be accessors, i left that out for clarity.

+1  A: 

To answer your question quickly, I prefer the simplicity of the "SDL-style code". Mainly because your slightly more complicated "State Style" wastes memory and buys you absolutely nothing (see below), and the recursion in your tortured "Functional pseudo-C++" style will overflow the stack within a few milliseconds.

"State Style": Your "typesafe yay" in the "State Style" code is a bit unwarranted. You are still deciding which member to access based on a switch on another member, so the code has all the same weaknesses that the "SDL Style" code has -- for any mistake that you could make with the SDL-style code that leads to interpreting memory as the wrong type, you would make the equally bad mistake of accessing an uninitialised member with the State-style code.

"Functional pseudo-C++ style": Now you're getting somewhere, inheriting different event types from a base event type. Obviously the silly recursion needs to become a loop, and there are a few little things to tidy up (I think your 3 methods named transform() in UserWidget want to be called handle(); I'm guessing that you can resolve the problem of no template virtual methods using Boost.Function or similar). I think this approach has potential, though I prefer the simplicity of SDL style.

But more fundamentally: I question the need for a polling interface. Is there a reason why pollEvent() cannot block? As it stands, all 3 code segments are burning CPU time doing nothing 99.99% of the time.

**StateStyle** _is_ typesafe. pollInput returns complete objects. eg even for a mouseclick, the returned event has a correct keyboard-array. And yeah I was being silly with the recursion. Fooling around with Haskell right now - it optimizes tail recursion into a loop so no stack overflow there :)
I do like the FP idea of minimizing mutable state tho - hence "transform". Using a notifying system like you suggest ("handle") does solve the template problem as I no longer need the template, but forces me into imperative programming. Oh well. Guess I can't do haskell in C++ :)
and if i let go of that, then no need for a polling interface, no. IAC the thing is intended for game-like apps where I burn 100% CPU anyway.
Regarding type safety: my point is that type safety is not the end goal, correctness is, and while your "state style" approach is technically typesafe, it has the exact same weaknesses as the non-typesafe SDL style in this case.
My suggestion to s/transform/handle/g in UserWidget was simply because transform() calls the method "handle()", not the method "transform()". (Your original code would not compile for that reason.) It doesn't remove the need for templates -- as you said, you would need a base class for that.
Actually, you could define separate listener interfaces for each event type, and have UserWidget implement only the ones it needs. Avoids the "virtual template" issue and is cleaner than a single base class requiring implementation of all listeners.
I have now realized why the typesafety of state style is nothing to get excited about - i.e. why it goes contrary to correctness. Thanks for the sound advice, then.