



Found the following in an Oracle-based application that we're migrating (generalized):

    count(*) as Total,
    count(Tab2.Stat) AS Stat
FROM Table1, Table2
WHERE (Table1.PrimaryKey = Table2.ForeignKey(+))
GROUP BY Table1.Category1, Table1.Category2

What does (+) do in a WHERE clause? I've never seen it used like that before.

+3  A: 

It's a non ANSI left outer join notation. Starting with Oracle9i, the confusing outer join syntax using the ‘(+)’ notation has been superseded by ISO 99 outer join syntax.

Otávio Décio
Just nitpicking: the standard OUTER JOIN syntax was introduced in SQL-92.
Bill Karwin
Sorry, your answer was first.. upvoted. Leaving mine up since it has the additional info re: left vs right outer.
+13  A: 

Depending on which side of the "=" the "(+) is on, it denotes a LEFT OUTER or a RIGHT OUTER join (in this case, it's a left outer join). It's old Oracle syntax that is sometimes preferred by people who learned it first, since they like that it makes their code shorter.

Best not to use it though, for readability's sake.

+1 for the advice - no one should be using (+)
Otávio Décio
Thanks for the extra tidbit about the orientation between `(+)` and `=`.
Jonathan Lonowski
- .5 for saying longer is more readable. is a++ harder to read than a = a + 1. I think it's much easier if you know what it means. If you don't know what it means, get out of my code.
@Mark -- I've been programming with Perl as my native language for the past 8 years. If you haven't learned the difference between short and obscure, please don't touch MY code!
Unfortunately the ANSI join syntax is not available in Oracle 8. So you need to stick with the (+) syntax in that case.
+5  A: 

As others have stated, the (+) syntax is obsolete, proprietary syntax that Oracle used for years to accomplish the same results as an OUTER JOIN. I assume they adopted their proprietary syntax before SQL-92 decided on the standard syntax.

The equivalent query to the one you showed, using standard SQL OUTER JOIN syntax (which is now supported by all major RDBMS implementations) would be the following:

    COUNT(*) AS Total,
    COUNT(Table2.Stat) AS Stat
FROM Table1
  LEFT OUTER JOIN Table2 ON (Table1.PrimaryKey = Table2.ForeignKey)
GROUP BY Table1.Category1, Table1.Category2;

Which means:

  • All rows from Table1 are included in the query result.
  • Where there are matching rows in Table2, include those rows (repeating content from Table1 if there are multiple matching rows in Table2).
  • Where there are no matching rows in Table2, use NULL for all of Table2's columns in the query result.
Bill Karwin