I will preface my suggestion by saying that I am a blind person learning how to program so, I know something of the situation. I say that because you will probably think my suggestion is a bit of a bombshell:
Go with C or C++. I'm learning c++ myself as my first language. There are lots and lots of tutorials, lots of people know it so can provide assistance, and it's definitely text editor and commandline friendly. You can totally take C and c++ and write straight code in something like TextPad, NOtePad or EdSharp and then turn around and compile it in a command line right away. It also teaches you a whole lot about how programmiing actually works because you can be high level with it or low-level with it. Very flexible. To prove that it can be done, here's the path I've traveled with c++ over the last 3 or 4 weeks while learning it on my own in my spare time while my wife and toddler sleep.
I started out using notepad with the MinGW compiler and the command line for my first programs using the beginning tutorials at www.cplusplus.com. I use Jaws for Windows as my screen reader with the punctuation level set to all which, for those of you who don't require a screen reader, means that I hear every < , () {} " and so forth when I review my code line by line. I also have a setting enabled that tells me exactly how many blank spaces there are prior to the first character of a line since I'd like to get used to hearing this for when I tackle Python.
I then migrated to using EdSharp which is a text editor written in c# by a blind developer with great accessibility features built into the app. Your student can use either one pretty easily and they are both free. I'm now getting familiar with Eclipse and Visual Studio to see which best suits my needs since you really do, eventually , need to migrate to an IDE if you are going to do anything truly substantial. Am working my way thourhg Thinking in C plus plus by Bruce Eckle, all honor to him for a great book so generously offered for free.
What I strongly recommend against is going with anything that is too obscure, dumbed down, ETC. Go as mainstream as you can. This way you can turn him loose quickly. Get him subscribed to the blind programmers mailing list and have him check out the nonvidual development website run by Jamal Mazrui at:
. He'll do just fine.
Ho-Lamat hun-lahun Uoo