I have a very large app, 1.5 million lines of C++, which is currently MFC based using the Document/View architecture. The application includes a lot of 3d vector graphics, spreadsheets, and very many dialogs and Windows. Within the constraints of the DVA it is fairly well written, in that there is no significant program logic in the user interface, and anything that can be done using the user interface can also be carried out programmatically using a COM/OLE Automation interface.
At the request of a number of users, I have been toying with the idea of creating a browser interface to the program, where the program itself runs on a server. Thoughts so far are convert all the COM interfaces to DCOM and rewrite/port the UI to Java. Initial experimentation shows that this will be a huge amount of work.
Anyone else out there got any ideas for an easier implmentation? Anyone come across any refactoring or similar tools specifically to help this kind of a port?