




Pretty self explanatory question. Is there any reason to use one or the other?

+24  A: 

Count(*) counts all records, including nulls, whereas Count(fieldname) does not include nulls.

Ah I never knew this. Thanks!
Spencer Ruport
It does not include rows where the specific fieldname is not null
Otávio Décio
I learned something today ...
Philippe Grondier
+2  A: 

Select count(*) selects any row, select count(field) selects rows where this field is not null.

Otávio Décio

count(*) is faster if table type is MyISAM with no WHERE statement. With WHERE the speed will be the same for MyISAM and InnoDB.

Deniss Kozlovs

This puzzled me for a while too.

In MySQL at least COUNT(*) counts the number of rows where every (*) value in the row is not null. Just COUNTing a column will count the number of rows where that column is not null.

In terms of performance using a single column would be slightly faster,

In SQL, can you insert a row that is entirely NULLs, or must something be non-null in every row? If you can insert such a row, is it then not counted?
A. Rex
@A. Rex: Standard SQL says that COUNT(*) counts all rows, period. As for whether you can insert a row of all NULLs, you cannot if you have declared a primary key on that table.
Bill Karwin
Actually, its the opposite regarding performance. At least in MyISAM, COUNT(*) is cached and performs much faster. In InnoDB they'll perform the same.
Eran Galperin
@Bill Karwin: That's what I thought. However, that seems to disagree with @Ross's post. COUNT(*) either counts all rows, or all rows which are not entirely null. If it's possible for them to differ, COUNT(*) can only do one ...
A. Rex
+2  A: 

If you want to improve performance (i.e. be a complete performance Nazi), you might want to do neither.


Charles Graham
I've always thought the same, but assumed that by now most DBMS's would automatically translate COUNT(*) into the most efficient lookup possible, given how ubiquitous that statement is. I've no evidence either for or against it though.
Gavin Schultz-Ohkubo
I'm sure that this would probably have the same perf as COUNT(Clustered_Index_Column), since it has to actually read the CI regardless. But it was a cool trick that the DBA put in the SQL standards. That is, don't select a column by name if you don't need it.
Charles Graham