Let's say I have the following objects:
- name
- country_of_origin
- id
- id
- squirrel_who_owns_me[fk to squirrel]
I want to retrieve a list of all squirrels in a particular country. The returned squirrel objects can be in a QuerySet, but do not need to be. A list will suffice. Each squirrel will have an additional property call nut_count. The SQL for this would be something like what follows (please note I use the subquery in order to not enumerate all of squirrel's columns, since in reality there will be many) (I use PostgreSQL):
select sq.*,
from squirrel_table sq,
(select sq2.id as squirrel_id,
count(nuts) as nut_count
from squirrel_table sq2,
nut_table nuts
where nuts.squirrel_who_owns_me = sq2.id
and sq.country_of_origin = 'USA'
group by sq2.id) as nut_counts
where sq.id = nut_counts.squirrel_id
Is there a way to execute the SQL, take the cursor it generates, and turn it into a list of squirrel objects, and add the nut_count to each squirrel?