Hi all:
I'm writing some unit tests which are going to verify our handling of various resources that use other character sets apart from the normal latin alphabet: Cyrilic, Hebrew etc.
The problem I have is that I cannot find a way to embed the expectations in the test source file: here's an example of what I'm trying to do...
/// Protected: TestGetHebrewConfigString
void CPrIniFileReaderTest::TestGetHebrewConfigString()
prwstring strHebrewTestFilePath = GetTestFilePath( strHebrewTestFileName );
CPrIniFileReader prIniListReader( strHebrewTestFilePath.c_str() );
prIniListReader.SetCurrentSection( strHebrewSubSection );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( prIniListReader.GetConfigString( L"דונדארןמע" ) == L"דונהשךוק") );
This quite simply doesnt work. Previously I worked around this using a macro which calls a routine to transform a narrow string to a wide string (we use towstring all over the place in our applications so it's existing code)
wstring towstring( LPCSTR lpszValue )
wostringstream os;
os << lpszValue;
return os.str();
The assertion in the test above then became:
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( prIniListReader.GetConfigString( UNICODE_CONSTANT( "דונדארןמע" ) ) == UNICODE_CONSTANT( "דונהשךוק" ) );
This worked OK on OS X but now I'm porting to linux and I'm finding that the tests are all failing: it all feels rather hackish as well. Can anyone tell me if they have a nicer solution to this problem?