I'm attempting to learn a little more about handling sockets and network connections in SBCL; so I wrote a simple wrapper for HTTP. Thus far, it merely makes a stream and performs a request to ultimately get the header data and page content of a website.
Until now, it has worked at somewhat decently. Nothing to brag home about, but it at least worked.
I have come across a strange problem, however; I keep getting "400 Bad Request" errors.
At first, I was somewhat leery about how I was processing the HTTP requests (more or less passing a request string as a function argument), then I made a function that formats a query string with all the parts I need and returns it for use later... but I still get errors.
What's even more odd is that the errors don't happen every time. If I try the script on a page like Google, I get a "200 Ok" return value... but at other times on other sites, I'll get "400 Bad Request".
I'm certain its a problem with my code, but I'll be damned if I know exactly what is causing it.
Here is the code that I am working with:
(use-package :sb-bsd-sockets)
(defun read-buf-nonblock (buffer stream)
(let ((eof (gensym)))
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
(c (read-char stream nil eof)
(read-char-no-hang stream nil eof)))
((or (>= i (length buffer)) (not c) (eq c eof)) i)
(setf (elt buffer i) c))))
(defun http-connect (host &optional (port 80))
"Create I/O stream to given host on a specified port"
(let ((socket (make-instance 'inet-socket
:type :stream
:protocol :tcp)))
socket (car (host-ent-addresses (get-host-by-name host))) port)
(let ((stream (socket-make-stream socket
:input t
:output t
:buffering :none)))
(defun http-request (stream request &optional (buffer 1024))
"Perform HTTP request on a specified stream"
(format stream "~a~%~%" request )
(let ((data (make-string buffer)))
(setf data (subseq data 0
(read-buf-nonblock data
(princ data)
(> (length data) 0)))
(defun request (host request)
"formated HTTP request"
(format nil "~a HTTP/1.0 Host: ~a" request host))
(defun get-page (host &optional (request "GET /"))
"simple demo to get content of a page"
(let ((stream (http-connect host)))
(http-request stream (request host request)))