It sounds like you want to be able to do something like get_record_field(Field, SomeRecord)
where Field
is determined at runtime by user interface code say.
You're right in that you can't do this in standard erlang as records and the record_info
function are expanded and eliminated at compile time.
There are a couple of solutions that I've used or looked at. My solution is as follows: (the example gives runtime access to the #dns_rec
and #dns_rr
records from inet_dns.hrl
%% Retrieves the value stored in the record Rec in field Field.
info(Field, Rec) ->
Fields = fields(Rec),
info(Field, Fields, tl(tuple_to_list(Rec))).
info(_Field, _Fields, []) -> erlang:error(bad_record);
info(_Field, [], _Rec) -> erlang:error(bad_field);
info(Field, [Field | _], [Val | _]) -> Val;
info(Field, [_Other | Fields], [_Val | Values]) -> info(Field, Fields, Values).
%% The fields function provides the list of field positions
%% for all the kinds of record you want to be able to query
%% at runtime. You'll need to modify this to use your own records.
fields(#dns_rec{}) -> fields(dns_rec);
fields(dns_rec) -> record_info(fields, dns_rec);
fields(#dns_rr{}) -> fields(dns_rr);
fields(dns_rr) -> record_info(fields, dns_rr).
%% Turns a record into a proplist suitable for use with the proplists module.
to_proplist(R) ->
Keys = fields(R),
Values = tl(tuple_to_list(R)),
A version of this that compiles is available here: rec_test.erl
You can also extend this dynamic field lookup to dynamic generation of matchspecs for use with ets:select/2
or mnesia:select/2
as shown below:
%% Generates a matchspec that does something like this
%% QLC psuedocode: [ V || #RecordKind{MatchField=V} <- mnesia:table(RecordKind) ]
match(MatchField, RecordKind) ->
MatchTuple = match_tuple(MatchField, RecordKind),
{MatchTuple, [], ['$1']}.
%% Generates a matchspec that does something like this
%% QLC psuedocode: [ T || T <- mnesia:table(RecordKind),
%% T#RecordKind.Field =:= MatchValue]
match(MatchField, MatchValue, RecordKind) ->
MatchTuple = match_tuple(MatchField, RecordKind),
{MatchTuple, [{'=:=', '$1', MatchValue}], ['$$']}.
%% Generates a matchspec that does something like this
%% QLC psuedocode: [ T#RecordKind.ReturnField
%% || T <- mnesia:table(RecordKind),
%% T#RecordKind.MatchField =:= MatchValue]
match(MatchField, MatchValue, RecordKind, ReturnField)
when MatchField =/= ReturnField ->
MatchTuple = list_to_tuple([RecordKind
| [if F =:= MatchField -> '$1'; F =:= ReturnField -> '$2'; true -> '_' end
|| F <- fields(RecordKind)]]),
{MatchTuple, [{'=:=', '$1', MatchValue}], ['$2']}.
match_tuple(MatchField, RecordKind) ->
| [if F =:= MatchField -> '$1'; true -> '_' end
|| F <- fields(RecordKind)]]).
Ulf Wiger has also written a parse_transform, Exprecs, that more or less does this for you automagically. I've never tried it, but Ulf's code is usually very good.