



Hey Guys, I m Having a problem running tomcat 6 with eclipse 3 in ubuntu. i installed tomcat 6 on my machine and when i test it using http://localhost:8080, it work fine. But when i want to create a server in eclipse, when i select Tomcat 6 , i get the following message " Cannot create a server using the selected type". and i can't click next. Any idea why is that ?????? I appreciate any help


+1  A: 

Not sure, but maybe you're version of eclipse does not support the latest tomcat version, try to update eclipse. I've got eclipse 3.4 and there's no problem.

+1  A: 

If you can test it with http://localhost:8080 then the server is already running, and there's nothing for Eclipse to create. try closing down the server, and then setting up eclipse to point to the installation directory.

+1  A: 

I you have the newer version of eclipse, try to update the Web Tool Plateform plugins in Help/software Updates... If both eclipse and WTP are up to date I don't see were the problem can be...

PS : there is a "comment" button, do not post an answer to comment an answer ;)

+5  A: 

Have you been using the ubuntu-tomcat version (e.g. "aptitude install tomcat6")? If so, please download a plain vanilla version from and use this. The Debian/Ubuntu version relocates some jars around and eclipse expects the "pure" version and jar locations.

(Also: see

+14  A: 

ok, so here's what worked for me: you must go to Window>Preferences

here, go to Server>Runtime Environments

remove the old server or add your server or change the server location...

(in my case, this problem arised when i changed the tomcat server location)

now you should be able to add new servers to your environment :)

It was happen same to me. As Silvio wrote, removing old and adding new server in the "Runtime Environments" does the trick.
+1  A: 

Window -> Options -> Server -> Runtime Environments

Edit the existing runtime environment "Apache Tomcat v6.0" and select your tomcat's location.

+1  A: 

Hi all,

I have been having the same problem (on fedora 9). You have to change the permissions of the files inside the tomcat conf directory to rw (chmod a+rw tomcat6/conf/*). Solved it for me!

Regards, Nikki

This worked for me on Ubuntu with a download of tomcat from apache (not the apt-get one)... Thanks
Peter Sankauskas
+2  A: 

I was suffering the same problem

I've got the lattest eclipse 3.4.1 GanyMede. Changed the Ubuntu Tomcat 6 install to the plain one from

chmod 666 /usr/share/tomcat6/conf*

and the problem was solved

+1  A: 

This one is working for me too Window -> Options -> Server -> Runtime Environments

Edit the existing runtime environment "Apache Tomcat v6.0" and select your tomcat's location.

+2  A: 

Remove (or edit the apache tomcat v6.0 entry in) workspace.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime.settings\org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.prefs

I think you also need to restart

+2  A: 

I had the same problem, but with tomcat 5.5. Changing the permissions on the /etc/tomcat5.5/conf (symlink from /usr/share/tomcat5.5/conf) worked. Thanks!

+2  A: 

I had the same problem but thanks to all your feedback I got it fixed. In summary...

I have Ubuntu 9.04, Eclipse Galileo (java EE developers platform 3.5.1).

I installed Tomcat as follows:

sudo tar zxvf apache-tomcat-6.0.20.tar.gz

sudo cp -R apache-tomcat-6.0.20 /usr/share/tomcat6

as explained at:

Then I change permissions to the conf folder /usr/share/tomcat6/conf$ sudo chmod a+rw *

I removed it from Windows->Preferences->Server->Runtime Environment (but I don't think this step was necessary after all)


+7  A: 

There’s a better workaround so you can keep Ubuntu’s Tomcat6 (taken from, by DisDis)

In a terminal:

sudo apt-get install tomcat6
cd /usr/share/tomcat6
sudo ln -s /var/lib/tomcat6/conf conf
sudo ln -s /etc/tomcat6/policy.d/03catalina.policy conf/catalina.policy
sudo ln -s /var/log/tomcat6 log
sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/share/tomcat6/conf

There. Now just go to Window/Preferences/Sever/Runtime Environments, add the Apache Tomcat6 Server and use /usr/share/tomcat6 as the installation directory!

Very useful for all Ubuntu-ers! This should be carved in stone. Either way, it is necessary to remove the old Tomcat configuration from Runtime Environments, just like Silviu wrotes.

Go to window > preferences -- Go to runtime environments --- you will probably find the location of the old install of Tomcat. Changing it to the current location will help.


Hi all,

I had the same problem, i use ubuntu 9.04 and tomcat 6.

I installed the tomcat 6 for apt-get, installed also jre, jdk. (SUN)

In order to resolve the problem do:

  • Close the Eclipse;
  • Delete your workspace (save your files);
  • stop the tomcat6 (/etc/init.d/tomcat6 stop)
  • make a link to conf (ln -s /var/lib/tomcat6/conf /usr/share/tomcat6);
  • ln -s /var/lib/tomcat6/catalina.policy /etc/tomcat6/
  • init the eclipse
  • In server tomcat configuration (/usr/share/tomcat6)
Diogo Pina

You have to symlink various folders that are scattered across the file system to the desired tomcat6 main (or installation) folder.

tsaid suggested symlinking to /usr/share/tomcat6, I rather use /var/lib/tomcat6.

My /var/lib/tomcat6 directory (see the symlinks I've made):

$ ls -g -o /var/lib/tomcat6
lrwxrwxrwx 1   22 2010-07-20 18:15 bin -> /usr/share/tomcat6/bin
drwxr-xr-x 3 4096 2010-07-20 12:22 common
lrwxrwxrwx 1   12 2010-07-20 12:22 conf -> /etc/tomcat6
lrwxrwxrwx 1   22 2010-07-20 18:14 lib -> /usr/share/tomcat6/lib
lrwxrwxrwx 1   17 2010-07-20 12:22 logs -> ../../log/tomcat6
drwxr-xr-x 3 4096 2010-07-20 12:22 server
drwxr-xr-x 3 4096 2010-07-20 12:22 shared
drwxrwxr-x 3 4096 2010-07-20 12:22 webapps
lrwxrwxrwx 1   19 2010-07-20 12:22 work -> ../../cache/tomcat6

Also, don't forget to give full rw permission to your configuration files, in my case in /etc/tomcat6. Since you'll also need to symlink catalina.policy from Catalina/localhost/catalina.policy, don't forget giving execute permission to those folders. You can simplify with full permission to the conf folder, but it's only advised if you're the only user of the computer.

cd /var/lib/tomcat6/conf
chmod -R a+xrw *

Now, delete the entry in Eclipse under Window -> Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environment and add a new server through Run on Server or anywhere else.
