



I'm still learning Castle Windsor and I see that it supports forwarded types - a term I was unfamiliar with.

Quick Google search and I found this article that explains it pretty throughly however I still don't understand how this applies to IoC or how I would use them from a container and for what reason.

Can anyone explain?


Type forwarding is a way to move type from one assembly to another without introducing breaking changes it has nothing to do with IoC. So you should not worry about this feature :)

Thats what I would think, but check out the castle windsor fluent interface, there's a Forward method
George Mauer

Oh man, just did a google search on 'Castle Windsor "Forwarded Types"' and got redirected right back to SO:

Using Castle Windsor configuration files is it possible to delegate to another item declaration?

and from there:

What are “ForwardedTypes” in the context of Castle Windsor component registration?

Maybe Jeff and the team should just give up on trying to have their own search and use google's.

George Mauer