You are trying to get base-10 representation (i.e. decimal digit in each cell of the array). This way either space (one int per digit), or time (4-bits per dgit, but there is overhead of packing/unpacking) is wasted.
Why not try with base-256, for example, and use an array of bytes? Or even base-2^32 with array of ints? The operations are implemented the same way as in base-10. The only thing that will be different is converting the number to a human-readable string.
It may work like this:
Assuming base-256, each "digit" has 256 possible values, so the numbers 0-255 are all single digit values. Than 256 is written as 1:0 (I'll use colon to separate the "digits", we cannot use letters like in base-16), analoge in base-10 is how after 9, there is 10.
Likewise 1030 (base-10) = 4 * 256 + 6 = 4:6 (base-256).
Also 1020 (base-10) = 3 * 256 + 252 = 3:252 (base-256) is two-digit number in base-256.
Now let's assume we put the digits in array of bytes with the least significant digit first:
unsigned short digits1[] = { 212, 121 }; // 121 * 256 + 212 = 31188
int len1 = 2;
unsigned short digits2[] = { 202, 20 }; // 20 * 256 + 202 = 5322
int len2 = 2;
Then adding will go like this (warning: notepad code ahead, may be broken):
unsigned short resultdigits[enough length] = { 0 };
int len = len1 > len2 ? len1 : len2; // max of the lengths
int carry = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int leftdigit = i < len1 ? digits1[i] : 0;
int rightdigit = i < len2 ? digits2[i] : 0;
int sum = leftdigit + rightdigit + carry;
if (sum > 255) {
carry = 1;
sum -= 256;
} else {
carry = 0;
resultdigits[i] = sum;
if (carry > 0) {
resultdigits[i] = carry;
On the first iteration it should go like this:
- sum = 212 + 202 + 0 = 414
- 414 > 256, so carry = 1 and sum = 414 - 256 = 158
- resultdigits[0] = 158
On the second iteration:
- sum = 121 + 20 + 1 = 142
- 142 < 256, so carry = 0
- resultdigits[1] = 142
So at the end resultdigits[] = { 158, 142 }, that is 142:158 (base-256) = 142 * 256 + 158 = 36510 (base-10), which is exactly 31188 + 5322
Note that converting this number to/from a human-readable form is by no means a trivial task - it requires multiplication and division by 10 or 256 and I cannot present code as a sample without proper research. The advantage is that the operations 'add', 'subtract' and 'multiply' can be made really efficient and the heavy conversion to/from base-10 is done only once in the beginning and once after the end of the calculation.
Having said all that, personally, I'd use base 10 in array of bytes and not care about the memory loss. This will require adjusting the constants 255 and 256 above to 9 and 10 respectively.