In Oracle 10g I have a table that holds timestamps showing how long certain operations took. It has two timestamp fields: starttime and endtime. I want to find averages of the durations given by these timestamps. I try:
select avg(endtime-starttime) from timings;
But get:
SQL Error: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
This works:
avg(extract( second from endtime - starttime) +
extract ( minute from endtime - starttime) * 60 +
extract ( hour from endtime - starttime) * 3600) from timings;
But is really slow.
Any better way to turn intervals into numbers of seconds, or some other way do this?
EDIT: What was really slowing this down was the fact that I had some endtime's before the starttime's. For some reason that made this calculation incredibly slow. My underlying problem was solved by eliminating them from the query set. I also just defined a function to do this conversion easier:
FUNCTION fn_interval_to_sec ( i IN INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND )
numSecs NUMBER;
numSecs := ((extract(day from i) * 24
+ extract(hour from i) )*60
+ extract(minute from i) )*60
+ extract(second from i);
RETURN numSecs;