I have a large query (not written by me, but I'm making some modifications). One thing that kind of bugs me is that I've got the same COALESCE function in about four places. Is there a way to factor that out, possibly by joining with a select from DUAL? Is there a performance benefit to factoring it out?
Here is the query slightly bolwderized:
,COALESCE(t1_end_dt, t6_actl_end_dt,t6_calc_end_dt) perd_end_dt
FROM tbl1
JOIN tbl2 ON (t2_pk = wpck_wrkr_id AND
t2_ind_1 ='Y' AND
COALESCE(t1_end_dt, t6_actl_end_dt, t6_calc_end_dt)
BETWEEN t2_strt_dt AND t2_end_dt)
JOIN tbl3 ON (t3_pk = t2_fk_t3_pk AND
COALESCE(t1_end_dt, t6_actl_end_dt, t6_calc_end_dt)
BETWEEN t3_strt_dt AND t3_end_dt)
LEFT JOIN tbl4 tbl4_a ON (tbl4_a.t4_pk = chkw_wkt_id)
GROUP BY tbl1.gid
,COALESCE(t1_end_dt, t6_actl_end_dt, t6_calc_end_dt)
,COALESCE(tbl4_b.t4_or_id, tbl4_a.t4_or_id, t7_or_id )
ORDER BY perd_end_dt
Note that I already factored out one of the COALESCEs by naming it pred_end_dt in the SELECT and then referring to it by that name in the ORDER BY.