Many times we had the need to hire or outsource additional developers for a project. We follow usual the process of advertising the job opening, collecting resumes/CVs, and pick the candidates for the interview.
There are candidates that have a lot of good project experience, but not certified (say, Java-Certified). Then there are candidates who just graduated from school, but are certified. There are candidates who have a mix of both experience and certification.
The natural assumption is to automatically grant +reputation to those who are certified, but does certification really matter when hiring/outsourcing a person, or do we have to look further?
We all have seen stories of start-up tech companies who consist of non-certified, yet hardcore developers that propelled the company to success. So what we do during the hiring process is assume all developers are not certified, and evaluate them based on how they fare in the interview or practical programming test, if any. We also look into the personality traits and work attitude. What is your hiring/outsourcing process, and how do you deem this person is worthy of joining your team?