



I'm working on a Java applet that needs to display "fancy" equations. Is there any Java renderer for MathML or LaTeX that's open source? Ideally it would be a pure Java solution that doesn't use JNI.

Ideally it would also allow to animate the generated glyphs (e.g. animating adding a constant to both sides of a equation, lines going through terms for cancellation, etc.)

+3  A: 

Take a look at JEuclid, it seems to do the first part of what you want.

Allain Lalonde
+6  A: 

I know these libraries for Java:

  • JEuclid (MathML renderer; Apache License)

  • JMathTeX (Latex renderer; GNU License)

  • HotEqn (Latex renderer; GNU License ?)

  • SnuggleTex (Latex renderer; BSD License)

For the animation part of your question, you can look at these projects:

  • DragMath equation editor (Swing interface; GNU License)

  • Mirai Calc calculator (SWT interface; GNU License; uses JMathTeX)

For a web interface you can also use the jsMath JavaScript or it's successor Mathjax library as a Latex/MathML renderer.

JMathTeX and DragMath look *perfect*. Thank you so much!
jsMath I have found to be common, but often the equations are not rendered at all on the linux machines I have used due to missing libraries.