




I'm still new to the API and I wanted to ask:

  • Can you send a text message programmatically?
  • Can you access the users contact list programmatically?

I'm thinking no. I haven't seen anything about text messaging in the API, and I figure the sandboxing that the iPhone does keeps you away from the phones contact list.

Thanks everyone.

+7  A: 

1) I'm afraid you can't send SMS with the iPhone SDK although you can make a link to send an SMS like so: <a href="sms:408-555-5555">408 555 5555</a>

2) You can access the contact list with the Address Book UI framework

You can also programmatically open the Text (SMS) by passing a sms:// URL to UIApplication's openURL method.
David Grant

one way round the sms/mms problem is to use an external aggregator then you can utilise http between a server and the iphone to send sms obviously there is a cost involved this way to the developer


external aggregator then you can utilise http

You mean my app would use http://MySite.com?from=&amp;to=&amp;msg=

And then my server-side code would send the actual text-message?

Has anyone come up with a more "direct" method?

It's not happening. It just isn't. Read through all of Apple's documentation on getting started with iPhone programming and you'll understand why.

Yes You can build an app to send SMS. All u need a server API, which u gonna call through ur code, to send sms. I am saying this bcoz i am currently working on it.

As soon as i m done with my app,i am gonna share it. http://shishir.com?from=shishir&amp;to=shishir&amp;message=hi&amp;sandbox=false&amp;username=user&amp;password=pass

u hv to pass values through URL.

will go in deep very soon.

regards shishir
