How can I use BOOST_FOREACH efficiently (number-of-character/readability-wise) with a boost::ptr_map?
Kristo demonstrated in his answer that it is possible to use BOOST_FOREACH with a ptr_map, but it does not really save me any typing (or makes my code really more readable) than iterating over the ptr_map with an iterator:
typedef boost::ptr_container_detail::ref_pair<int, int* const> IntPair;
BOOST_FOREACH(IntPair p, mymap) {
int i = p.first;
// vs.
boost::ptr_map<int, T>::iterator it;
for (it = mymap.begin(); it != mymap.end(); ++it) {
// doSomething()
The following code is somewhere along the lines what I wish for. It follows the standard way on how to use BOOST_FOREACH with a std::map. Unfortunately this does not compile:
boost::ptr_map<int, T> mymap;
// insert something into mymap
// ...
typedef pair<int, T> IntTpair;
BOOST_FOREACH (IntTpair &p, mymap) {
int i = p.first;