What ad networks are available to iPhone developers who want to distribute free regular apps (not web applets) that are ad supported?
The Deck prides itself on being a very "high quality" advertising network. I've seen them on a few iPhone apps, but they're apparently picky about who they will allow to run their ads.
Marc Charbonneau
2009-01-22 23:25:33
Yes, The Deck is an excellent, mature ad network, but is invite-only.
2009-01-23 15:36:00
I've seen a Tower Defense game (TapDefense) that makes the user click a link to a paid app in order to save the game. It uses AdMob as its ad distributor.
2009-01-23 00:05:13
AdMob is also the distributor for the "crappy" app cited in the article
Kristopher Johnson
2009-01-27 17:39:18