Using Web Service technology, we want to design and implement an online bookshop business. At the minimum, it should allow customers to browse the catalogue and order books, it should process credit card details, and coordinate shipping of books. Sketch out a high-level architecture for this system. The architecture should include key components and their interactions. did any one understand how to sketch this kind of architectures? any examples from the internet?
3Sorry, I will not do your homework assignments for you. Key pointers: Components are the nouns in your assignment. Actions are the verbs in your assignment. It's all there in front of you.
Impress your teacher, read up on web services, and maybe UML.
Good luck.
I think from a high-level architecture point of view there is no better way than to use a white board. Unless you are looking to formalise this in some way then, I believe that "circles and lines" are a perfect fit, complicated documentation semantics simply complicate matters.
I first start be isolating discrete service areas, such as "browsing" verse "sales" (credit card processing) verse "delivery" (shipping) and model these independently. Then identify business functionality in each of these service areas, such as "search for books", "display category", "validate card", "allocate stock" etc
Each of these high-level functions can then be mapped to messages that would form the basis of the interaction between the individual services (browsing, sales, delivery).
I would take a look at Udi-Duhan's website I think he has many wise words on this matter.
Also remember the First Law of Distributed Object design
Sounds homework.
Use Visio if you're in windows, OmniGraffle if you're in mac or umbrelo in linux.
If this really is homework as it sounds you need ti find the answer for yourself :)