I have a class that contains an array. I want this array to be set at the length of a constant:
// Entities.h
class Entities
const int maxLimit;
int objects[maxLimit];
int currentUsage;
bool addObject(int identifier);
void showStructure();
The main problem I'm having is with the constructor. I thought:
// Entities.cpp
Entities::Entities() : maxLimit(50)
currentUsage = 0;
cout << "Entities constructed with max of 50" << endl;
would have been sufficient...but not so. I don't know if I can use the initialiser list for array initialisation.
How can I initialise the 'objects' array using the 'maxLimit' const? I'm relatively new to classes in C++ but I have experience with Java. I'm mainly testing out this phenomenon of 'constness'.