I work in what is effectively a large corporate - I say effectively since the company I work for is relatively small, but depends upon the network infrastructure of a larger parent company. Recently due to reasons I won't go into, the parent company who provides our Internet access decided to restrict Internet access in a blanket fashion, and access to blocked sites is now considered on a case-per-case basis (the criterion being that the site should be work-related).
Personally I feel that professional developers should have unlimited access to the Internet, and I want to get some kind of idea about what kind of liberties other developers' employers afford them in this regard.
As an example, I recently requested access to http://www.rememberthemilk.com/ and although access was granted, it was done so begrudgingly and I have been asked to provide a more convincing reason as to why I need it, given that the Outlook task manager is available. This has put a poor taste in my mouth, and I've likened this to being forced to use IE over another browser (another company policy that I won't go in to).
What do other developers expect/have access to?