



Let's say I have an array in C++:

double* velocity = new double[100];

Using the GDB command line, I can view this array with the command:

> print *velocity @ 100

and it will print a nicely-formatted list of all the double values inside the array.

However, when using the Xcode debugger, the most it will do is treat this as a pointer to a single double value, and display velocity[0] in the variable list.

This makes it a real PITA to debug programs that contain large dynamically allocated array. There has got to be some way to tell Xcode "This is a pointer to an array of length 100", and have it display the thing as such. Anyone know what it is?


No unfortunately the GUI is limited and you will need to blend in a good mix of GDB magic to get things done.

+3  A: 

You can use gdb syntax as expressions:

  1. Use Run/Show/Expressions... menu to show the expressions window
  2. Enter '*velocity @ 100' at the bottom of the window (Expression:)