Hi, can anyone recommend a TAPI component for use with C++ in the MS Windows environment?
I have tried the standard MS implementations of TAPI 2 and 3 and had problems with both. Mainly recovery from modems been switched off or losing connections.
The latest problem is the TAPI device disappearing after a couple of days of working perfectly - but only on some computers.
I don't have a problem paying for a component - I just want one that works!
Two problems we haven't figured out yet:
1) if the modem is switched off while we are using it, we can't use it again until we reboot the computer
2) we receive a callback "CTapiLine::OnCallStateChange (hCall, dwState, dwStateDetail, dwPrivilage);", where dwState = LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED; and
dwStateDetail=LINEDISCONNECTMODE_NODIALTONE staight after making a connection, but we have already switched off the "wait for dial tone" in the modem properties. Connecting to the same destination with a different computer works fine, so we don't think it is the destination's problem.