Could anyone point me to an example implementation of a HOT Queue or give some pointers on how to approach implementing one?
Here is the link to the paper describing HOT queues. It's very abstract, that's why i wanted to see a coded example (I'm still trying to fin my way around it).
The "cheapest", sort to speak variant of this is a two-level heap queue (maybe this sounds more familiar). What i wanted to do is to improve the running time of the Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm.
What i wanted to do is to improve the running time of the Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm.
Have you considered using the Boost Graph Library? If you are using your own implementation of the algorithm you might already get better results using the one the BGL provides.
However It might be nontrivial to modify your code so it works with the BGL.
Of course speed-up could also be gained by not using Dijkstra at all but another algorithm.
Here is a page I found that provides at least a clue toward what data structures you might use to implement this. Scroll down to the section called "Making A* Scalable." It's unfortunate that the academic papers on the subject mention having written C++ code but don't provide any.