I am trying to write a simple function for windows that answers the following question.
Does user (U) have rights (R) on file (F)?
U does not have to be logged in or impersonated
The code that I wrote is shown below. The application calls the first UserHasPermission that is shown.
The access rights returned by GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl are the same for all user/file combinations that I tested ($001200A9). I double checked and $001200A9 is not just a pointer to the location where the access rights are actually stored.
My question is twofold:
1. Is there a better way of doing this?
2. Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong?
function UserHasPermission(APermission: Longword; out HasPermission: Boolean; AFileName: WideString; AUserName: String; ADomainName: String): Boolean; var SID: PSID; ACL: PACL; begin SID := nil; ACL := nil; try Result := GetUserSID(SID, AUserNAme, ADomainName); Result := Result and GetFileDACL(AFileName, ACL); Result := Result and UserHasPermission(APermission, HasPermission, ACL, SID); finally Dispose(SID); end; end; function UserHasPermission(APermission: Longword; out HasPermission: Boolean; AACL: PACL; AUserSID: PSID): Boolean; var T: TRUSTEE; Rights: ACCESS_MASK; begin BuildTrusteeWithSid(@T, AUserSID); Result := GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl(AACL, @T, @Rights) = ERROR_SUCCESS; HasPermission := (Rights and APermission) = APermission; end; function GetUserSID(out ASID: PSID; AUserName: WideString; const ADomainName: WideString): Boolean; var NSID, NDomain: Longword; Use: SID_NAME_USE; DomainName: WideString; begin Result := False; if Length(AUserName) > 0 then begin if Length(ADomainName) > 0 then AUserName := ADomainName + '\' + AUserName; // determine memory requirements NSID := 0; NDomain := 0; LookupAccountNameW(nil, PWideChar(AUserName), nil, NSID, nil, NDomain, Use); // allocate memory GetMem(ASID, NSID); SetLength(DomainName, NDomain); Result := LookupAccountNameW(nil, PWideChar(AUserName), ASID, NSID, PWideChar(DomainName), NDomain, Use); end; end; function GetFileDACL(AFileName: WideString; out AACL: PACL): Boolean; var SD: PSecurityDescriptor; NSD, NNeeded: Longword; Present, Defualted: Longbool; begin GetFileSecurityW(PWideChar(AFileName), DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, nil, 0, NNeeded); GetMem(SD, NNeeded); try NSD := NNeeded; Result := GetFileSecurityW(PWideChar(AFileName), DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, SD, NSD, NNeeded); Result := Result and GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(SD, Present, AACL, Defualted); Result := Result and Present; finally Dispose(SD); end; end;