




First of all I was wondering if I should use Qt and Windows together. If so should I use VC++ 6.0 IDE or another one?

+1  A: 

They work pretty well together.
I have used Visual Studio Express 2008.

John Mulder
+3  A: 

I'm of the opinion that no one should be using VC++ 6.0 for anything at this point. Your better off just getting the express version of 2008 if your worried about cost.

+1 Agreed: VC++ 6.0 is far too ancient for any modern C++ code at all. Avoid at all costs.
But I thought VC++ 7.1+ was .NET and not compiled into binary?
Lucas McCoy
Do you think I should use MFC over Qt?
Lucas McCoy
Your confusing Managed C++ with regular C++. Newer versions of VS still support regular C++ and are much more standards compliant. 6.0 is very old and out of date. And no, MFC is horrible too. <i>looks around to see when he said anything about MFC</i>
I switched to VC++ Express 2008, Thanks for the help guys!
Lucas McCoy
+2  A: 

I work on a product called ParaViewGeo (paraviewgeo.mirarco.org). It makes extensive use of Qt and we have been successful using Visual Studio 6 through to 2008.

Since Qt is cross-platform, I'll go tangential here and mention that another good cross-platform idea is CMake which is a cross-platform Make that can generate Visual Studio solution files from your code, as well as project files for other compilers, in case you do change your mind and get a different IDE.

Chris Cameron
qmake can generate visual studio solutions too: qmake -tp vc
Max Howell

There's also Eclipse which is free, cross-platform and has a ton of plug-ins.

Richard Morgan
+3  A: 

Check out QT Creator

Qt® Creator is a new, lightweight, cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) designed to make development with the Qt application framework even faster and easier.

Tailored specifically to the needs of Qt developers creating cross-platform applications Focuses on features that boost developer productivity without getting in their way Helps new Qt developers get up and running faster Open and extendable; integrates familiar tools and file formats

The final release of Qt Creator is planned for early 2009.

I tried QT Creator and really liked it, but I think I'm still going to stick with VC++ 2008
Lucas McCoy