



Given: Throwable is Exception's superclass.
When I read tests on writing your own 'exceptions', I see examples of Throwable being used in the catch block and other text's show new Exception() being used in the catch block. I have yet to see an explanation of when one should use each.
My question is this, When should Throwable be used and when should new Exception() be used?

EDIT: Inside the catch or else block using either:

throw throwable;


throw new Exception();
+2  A: 

Always throw an Exception (never a Throwable). You generally don't catch Throwable either, but you can. Throwable is the superclass to Exception and Error, so you would catch Throwable if you wanted to not only catch Exceptions but Errors, that's the point in having it. The thing is, Errors are generally things which a normal application wouldn't and shouldn't catch, so just use Exception unless you have a specific reason to use Throwable.

Ray Hidayat
Dont throw exception, throw the appropriate Exception sub class or your own. The whole point of Exception having sub classes is that different types of problems can have their own exceptions. In addition to including the message and possibly wrapping the cause exception one can add extra "data".
Yeah, that's what I meant, throw a subclass of Exception. Sorry wasn't thinking hard enough.
Ray Hidayat

Throwable is an interface, not a class. Two classes extend Throwable, Exception and Error.

The rule is: be as specific as you can when catching exceptions - that means for example catching Exception instead of Throwable, and IOException instead of Exception.

Don't catch Errors - errors are bugs. Fix the code instead.

If you have to catch absolutely everything, use "catch Throwable", but this is bad form.

Michiel de Mare
Throwable is a concrete class too.
Zach Scrivena
Hey, actually I had been under the impression Throwable was an interface until I looked. Not sure why this is or if this is a new thing.
Ray Hidayat
Thanks for pointing that out - I guess I was misled by the -able suffix.
Michiel de Mare
Errors are hardly bugs that can be fixed in java code where they appear. They might be fixed by altering the environment (such as memory limits) or deployment (when a class is missing or wrong version) but very rarely by changing the code where they are thrown.
Jacek Szymański
+2  A: 

You should not really catch an exception and throw a new one as general as "new Exception".

Instead, if you wish to bubble up the exception just do the following:

try {
    // Do some stuff here
catch (DivideByZeroException e) {
    System.out.println("Can't divide by Zero!"); 
catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) { 
    // catch the exception 
    System.out.println("No matching element found.");
catch (Throwable e) {
    throw e; // rethrow the exception/error that occurred

It is not good practise, I believe, to catch an exception and throw a new exception instead of the one that was raised to your code block, unless you raise a useful custom exception that provides enough context to elude to the cause of the original exception.

Your code is not Java.
This code would discard the DivideByZero and IndexOutOfRange exceptions. Logging the exception before throwing it is generally a bad idea. If an exception is logged at all, it is usually best to do it at the level in the stack that is responsible for truly handling the error, without re-throwing.
The code is meant to address the questioner's question. Best practises that don't affect the questioner's question is out of he scope of this answer. I just want to show that you can address exception cases but still rethrow the exception if an exceptional exception has occurred.

As I heard it when java first came out, the theory was that Throwable might be used for transfer of control in other cases besides exceptions. I've never seen it used that way though (and that's probably a Very Good Thing).

So just catch Exception (or better yet, a more fine-grained exception).

Bill K

Throwable is meant to be only caught by the container or main loop of your program. Most of the time catching stuff below Exception eg Error does not add much capability to a program, after all what can you possible do if a VirtualError other Errors are thrown. Not much except log and continue.

So use throwable if it is to be passed to the main or servlet to make logic decision? new Exception() if it is just to be logged?
+3  A: 

(from comments) The issue that brought this up is that I need to pass an 'exception' to a piece of code a coworker is building if a collection does not get built.

In that case, you might want to throw a checked exception. You could throw an Exception, an appropriate existing subclass of it (except RuntimeException and its subclasses which are unchecked), or a custom subclass of Exception (e.g. "CollectionBuildException"). See the Java Tutorial on Exceptions to get up to speed with Java exceptions.

Zach Scrivena
While your answer answers my comment, I still don't understand why some of the big names in the field say to throw Throwable (Hardcore Java By Robert Simmons, Jr.) while others say never to use Throwable. Hardcore Java happens to be the besst java book ever, except in this one case.
Throwable is the superclass of Exception and Error. Of the three classes, I would consider Exception to be the most suitable one for the task. Most people write try-catch blocks that look out only for Exception and its subclasses; they will not be able to handle a new Throwable().
Zach Scrivena
(cont'd) unless there is a "catch (Throwable t)" too.
Zach Scrivena
+1  A: 

throw new Exception(); is something you should never do in a catch block, but you may have to or want to do throw new SomeException(throwable); (preserving the full stack trace) instead of throw throwable; in order to conform to the API of your method, e.g. when it declares to throw SomeException but you're calling code that might throw an IOException that you don't want to add to you method's throws clause.

The probably most common case is new RuntimeException(throwable); to avoid having a throws clause altogether. Many people will tell you this is a horrible abuse because you should be using checked exceptions. IMO they are wrong and checked exceptions are a mistake in the Java language design that just results in ugly, unmaintainable code.

Michael Borgwardt
Unchecked exception are a common cause of "leaky abstractions". They are fine for one-size-fits-all error reporting--useful in many cases--but they can't support true exception handling in the face of abstraction.

All exceptions are a problem in the end... too say Errors are bugs doesnt mean anything.

Errors are not bugs - they are problems that the host VM is experiencing, eg OutOfMemoryError. Exceptions are a means that the current operation may use to notify that it failed and perhaps provide some diagnosis.


Generally, you would not throw or catch Throwable. In particular, JVM errors (that extend Error() ) are not meant to be caught by user code unless you are doing weird system-level work.

Treat "Throwable" as a language artifact. The "Exception" class is named that because it is the one that is intended to be used by programmers when they want a code block to exit "exceptionally" - by not exiting normally or returning a value.

That includes both regular error situations (by "regular" I mean as opposed to JVM errors) and places where you are using exceptions as a control mechanism.


You shouldn't use Exceptions as a "return type" either...

If the condition you're throwing for is common, you are spending a huge amount of resources to return that condition to the calling routine. Exceptions are expensive to construct.

I've seen cases where tight loops that threw exceptions as a "negative" for e.g. ID allocation, this routine occupied about 99% of the CPU time .. when changed to a documented return constant instead, this dropped to 25%.
