It allows you to you DataReader without the need of knowing which type of DataReader you are using (i.e. SqlDataReader, OleDbDataReader, EtcDataReader
), so if someday you want to change the datareader you are using it won't impact you logic, in other words it gives you abstraction.
For example :
you can use
IDbCommand command = GiveMeSomeCommand();
IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader();
without knowing which provider you are using
it can be:
private static IDbCommand GiveMeSomeCommand()
return new OleDbCommand();
or it can be
private static IDbCommand GiveMeSomeCommand()
return new SqlCommand();
or whatever.
You can also use the DBFactories.
DbProviderFactory factory = GiveMeSomeFactory();
IDbCommand command = factory.CreateCommand();
IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader();
//and create more objects
IDataAdapter adapter = factory.CreateDataAdapter();
IDbConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection();
and then create your provider in other layer
private DbProviderFactory GiveMeSomeFactory()
return SqlClientFactory.Instance;
else if(somethingElse)
return OracleFactory.Instance;
else if(notThisAndNotThat)
return MySqlFactory.Instance;
return WhateverFactory.Instance;