Learning how to unit test in my own time though is providing me with further insight, I'd often would of liked to have someone there saying that I'm indeed going in the right direction with my tests.
Doing this by myself (and being the only developer at my company actively looking into unit testing) I get no privilege nor do I have contacts that can do this for me. I was wondering if there are any sites out there that contain a community of developers that would be happy to help review how I'm approaching my unit testing, discuss with me what I could be doing better or how my approach could be improved / changed / complete revised from scratch.
Such a site probably doesn't exist, and for a personal play project I'm not really willing to spend money on a code review (at what is currently not very much code at all) unless this really becomes a barrier to my progression.
I just thought that perhaps I'd missed something out there in interdev world :P